Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Good Found in the Storm

"Life's not about waiting for the storms to pass... it's about learning to dance in the rain."
- Vivian Greene

A co-worker and I were totally amped when we’d made the decision to power walk for 30 minutes of our lunch break.

Excited as ever, I came to work with my walking shoes in tow! So you could only imagine how my smile was turned upside down when we went outside only to find that the rain had already made the decision; we wouldn’t get too much outdoor walking done that day.

But before I could let the rain interrupt my noon-time exercise, I suggested we walked inside the building instead.

My co-worker – a person who has lived in Charlotte for over 6 years and who’s obviously use to the rain – had shown a bit of disappointment at first. But that didn’t last too long. Before we could make it back in the door she said, “Well, it’s good that it’s raining, my yard could really use the attention.”

And that’s when it hit me. It was at that point I had an amazing Ah-Ha moment.

Being a born and raised in Southern California, I can honestly say, I am in no way accustomed to the rain. See, us Californian’s look at the rain as a hassle since it only comes every so often and when it storms, let’s be honest… WE PANICK!

But in the southeastern region of America, most people actually look forward to the rain. You wouldn’t believe the “semi-evil” looks I get from southerners when I “curse” the “bad weather” when it shows up.

See, here, they see the rain as something that is vital to the growth of their surroundings.

And in all honesty, that’s the truth.

Rain may throw a temporary monkey wrench in our day-to-day system, but on a grander scale, it is because of the rain that the flowers bloom, the beautiful trees grow, and we are provided with the water we use to keep ourselves clean and hydrated.

So instead of moping around and complaining about the inconvenience the rain is causing, most southerners look at what “good” they can glean from rainy days.

(This is when my Aha-moment kicked in…)

This same concept can be held as a truth when it comes to us weathering the storms of life as well.

When we go through tough times in life, (storms) sometimes we like to focus on what’s wrong, instead of what can be gained from that particular storm.

We complain about this, and worry about that, instead of stepping back and asking, “What good can I acquire from the stormy state of affairs I’ve found myself in.”

And just like physical rainstorms are vital to the growth of our surroundings, emotional storms can also be moments of essential personal growth that we need to make us better people.

Vivian Greene said it best when he stated, “Life's not about waiting for the storms to pass... it's about learning to dance in the rain.”

So the next time you find yourself in a stormy situation, know that it is ok to feel a little sad at first, but be sure that you don’t stay stuck in this situation for too long or else you’ll miss the good that is to come from your rainy weather.

(The Good Found in the Storm is an expert from my upcoming book “The Human Right of Happiness.” For more information on the Human Right of Happiness, you can visit my website at


Ms. Hite

Friday, July 24, 2009

I Hate My Job Part IV of V: Employ Your Vocation

[Disclaimer: If you would like to start reading this series from the beginning you may do so by clicking here.]

So now we’re getting somewhere.

By this point your new positive outlook in your current position should be working in your favor.

If you’re on the right track, new amazing and exciting things are beginning to reveal themselves to you, making it easier to not only identify what skills you have, but also what you love in life.

The final step in the I Hate My Job series is to “Employ Your Vocation.”

When I hear the word “vocation,” the first thing that comes to mind is a “job,” a “trade” or a “skill” (vocational schools, etc). However, it wasn’t until I read the book “How to Find the Work You Love” when I had a distinctive “Ah-Ha Moment” and learned exactly what it means.

Per Wikipedia -- A vocation [is] Latin for "calling." [It] is a term for an occupation to which a person is specially drawn or for which they are suited, trained or qualified. (Don’t you just LOVE Wikipedia?)

One of the keys of loving the work you do is to identify what you were put on this earth to do.

We all have a purpose here on earth and it is to – in some way shape or form – offer your “vocation” – or your calling – to the world we live in.

When identifying your vocation, don’t focus on what you have learned to do, what you’ve been told will make you “successful,” or what you are good at.

Forget about the fact that you were told all your life to be a Doctor, a Lawyer, or an Indian Chief.

Where does your passion lie? What are you drawn to?

Why would you want to be a doctor if you’re not passionate about health and medicine?

Probably because such a career offers security and great pay, but remember money isn’t everything.

I’ve listed the questions below to help you identify your passion and help get you on track to having a fulfilling career that you love!

- What do you feel like you were “called” to do?

- What do you love so much that you would do for free if you had no financial obligations or
responsibilities? (This does not have to be a job. For instance, my answer is reading and watching movies)

- How can your passion make a contribution to the needs of the world?

- What steps can you take to turn your vocation / passion it into a profitable career?

In my upcoming book “The Human Right of Happiness” I will discuss key ways to not only identify your passions, but also show you how to turn them into profitable and fulfilling careers that you absolutely love.

For more information on this and other topics, visit my website at

Ms. Hite

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I Hate My Job Part III of VI : Money Isn’t Everything

Ok, so you’re working your way out of hating your job by “Loving the Job You Have” but when you think about transitioning into what you really love doing there’s one word that pops into your head.

Money, money, money, money.

Ok, maybe that was four words but they’re all the same. And for most of us, it’s the reason we get up every morning at the crack of dawn and report to work until the boss hollers “quittin’ time.”

There are 2 ways money can affect the way you approach your career.

To read about them check out my blog at

“The Human Right of Happiness”

Ms Hite

Friday, July 10, 2009

“I Hate My Job Part II of VI"

“I hate my job” is a term that we use loosely and for some of us rightfully so. There’s always something to complain about at a job you despise. Let’s face it. Nobody wants to spend 8+ hours of committed time around people you can hardly stand, in a place in which your career has absolutely no growth potential.

But hating your job is not the answer to your worries in fact, hating your job only adds to your misery.

As I told you in Part I of this blog, there are 5 jewels I plan to share with you that not only help you begin to like the job you have, but these jewels will also put you on the path to having the fulfilling, successful career you’ve always dreamed of.

The first jewel I offer is very simply stated but could very well be the hardest one for you to accept and act upon.

Jewel #1 is “Love the Job You Have”

Ok, ok. I know what you’re thinking… “How cliché!” You’ve heard it so many times before. “You better be grateful you even have a job in this economy, think about all of the people who are unemployed!”

And while statements like the above are true, there’s much more to “loving the job you have” than just appreciating the fact that you’re not unemployed.

You see, in order for us to have a happy life, we have to invite goodness in. We cannot obtain happiness if we are constantly focusing on what is wrong in our life and how miserable our existence in this world is.

The same applies to our work-life and our careers.

If all you can focus on is how much you hate your job and the only thing keeping you afloat is the fact that you’re not unemployed, it’s no wonder your job sucks! Some people might even feel like being unemployed is a better situation… “At least I’ll still have my sanity!!!” (Trust me, I’ve totally been there before.)

But by “Loving the Job You Have” you will create an energy of goodness and well-being when it comes to your work environment and you will begin to appreciate the job you have and the doors that lead to the paths for new opportunities will magically reveal themselves to you.

Here are a few suggestions that will help put you on the path to loving your current job which just so happens to also be the key element to getting you a new one!

- Take pride in your work, no matter how unimportant it may seem. Every task at work presents an opportunity for you to learn a new skill or improve something that is already in practice. This is a great way to add to your resume and your boss may even give you a promotion.
- If it’s a new job that you seek, learn more about the company that you are already with, there could be an open position at your current place of employment that you are qualified for – companies love to hire from within.
- Pay attention to detail. This is a great idea for those looking to start their own business or get a new job.
- Ignore that little pesky co-worker who’s driving you nuts. Remember, they’re probably just as miserable as you are.
- Beef up the education portion of your resume. Does your employer offer tuition reimbursement? Get a degree, or maybe even a post-graduate degree, and let the company foot the bill. It’s going to add to the company’s proficiency and to your experience, and in the end, everybody wins.

These are just a few easy ways you can start “loving your job” right away. I will share more ways in which you can begin to appreciate your current working situation in my upcoming book “The Human Right of Happiness.”

The next jewel I drop is definitely a keeper. And one of the main reasons most people are unhappy on the job they currently have.

Jewel #2 When it comes to your career “Money Ain’t Everything”

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

30-Day Challenge!!!

Thanks to an AMAZING picture text message from my friend E, I am on fire about my 30-day challenge!

For those of you who have inquired about my 30-Day Challenge thank you for your interest.

The 30-Day challenge is a concept I picked up from Steve Pavlina . The basic concept for this challenge is to test out a lifestyle change for 30-days before actually committing to it.

This gives you a chance to see if you like the change. Attaining a 30-day goal is much easier than attaining a “lifetime” goal (because it’s only 30-days.) The best part is, if like the change after 30-days then you can continue with it for the duration of your life!

So for me, the new 30-Day Challenge is on! And I invite anyone out there who wants to better their life to join me.

E did last month and I’ve got the pics to PROVE IT!!! (LOL, Thanks E). I don’t know what he picked for his 30-Day Challenge… all I know is… IT WORKED!!! ;-).

So for my 30-day Challenge for this month – starting today June 8, 2000 – I’m am going to eliminate the following things from my diet for an entire 30-DAYS!!!

- Alcohol -- This includes the 2 parties I’m hosting this month (one of which is a wine tasting… uh oh…
- Red Meat -- bye bye to my filet Mignon for a whole month
- Pork -- so long to bacon… Can I go cry now???
- Turkey -- That won't be too hard

Giving up these three foods and replacing them with a more nutritious fare will help detoxify me internally which will definitely make for a better external me!

And I encourage you to join me by setting your own 30-Day challenge. It can be anything! Exercising, drinking more water, eating less processed foods, or even doing the same challenge as me. The list could go on and on.

Also, this month’s Health & Wellness blog entries will track my 30-Day Challenge and focus on detoxification and its benefits in hopes to keep you inspired.

So I take E’s picture text as bit of inspiration and strike out on these next 30-days with the determination and dedication to become healthier, stronger and more mentally powerful!

I would love for you to join me :-)! Don’t wait till “Next Monday” Start NOW! You can totally do it!

Ms. Hite

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Weathering the Storms of Life Part II of II

Maintaining happiness in life is all about BALANCE. Making sure we give everything the write amount of energy for the right length of time.

We need BALANCE more than ever when we come to the rough patches in life which I have best described in the acronym below.

Be open by allowing others to help – Though some fret at the concept of self-help; don’t find yourself in that trap of stubbornness. Using self-help tools like books and blogs is one of the least expensive, if not free (like my blog) ways to find answers to your problems and help you come out of an undesirable situation. Other options for help would be to consult a counselor or psychologist. Don’t have too much pride to seek outside help. It is natural and healthy and good for the sprit! Your family-physician should be able to suggest some counselors that would be a great fit for you.

To read the rest of this blog and find out more about weathering the storms of life through BALANCE visit my new website


Ms. Hite

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Greetings Blogger Family!

I know it has been some time since I’ve posted my last entry. But my delay is not without good reason… I am pleased to announce the unveiling of my new website!

Now you can have access to the entire Human Right of Happiness movement by visiting

Thank you to everyone who has been following my blog and anticipating my book. I appreciate your continued support as we take our happiness to the next level by embracing my methods and now utilizing my free all-access website!

This self-help site has TONS of information for those who would like to “help themselves” to the knowledge I have to share with you! Whether it’s Health & Wellness, Dating & Relationships, Wealth & Career, or the Women’s Corner, has something for everyone to add to their life-long journey of happiness!

Also, there’s an “Ask Kiki” (that would be yours truly) section that allows you to (anonymously) ask me any question you’d like and allows me to share my jewels of wisdom with you.

Remember, share this site with your friends or anyone who you think it may add value to their lives.

So there you have it, your key to happiness is one click away! Thanks for your time and as always, I love you all.


Ms. Hite

p.s. Please visit the site in a Mozilla Firefox browser window. Using Internet Explorer may distort the format. (I have techs working on this as we speak!)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Weathering the Storm

The main point I aim to drive home in my book “The Human Right of Happiness” is that being happy is a state of mind; a feeling that is attained by simply making the conscious decision to be happy.

But sometimes we are hit with unexpected occurrences that take a toll on our emotional state and become trapped in our negative thoughts and unhappy feelings, and before we know it, we become depressed, emotionally unbalanced, or simply overwhelmed by the cause and affects of day-to-day life. It is at this point that happiness seems like an unattainable place for us.

During these the times we have to find a way to get through the rough periods in life and break out of the negative mental thoughts that keep us suppressed, distressed and depressed. These are the times that our family, friends and loved ones encourage us with their words of wisdom, positive affirmations and forward thinking in efforts to help us “weather the storm”.

And even though happiness is a choice, sometimes, making the decision to be happy is easier said than done. Making the decision to be happy is the first step, and being emotionally balanced is the perfect re-enforcement to support this decision.

This week I will share some incredible ways to help you reach that “BALANCE” during the trying times of life so you can continue on your path of a happy life even when things don’t look so promising. So stay tuned, trust me, this is a week you won’t want to miss!


Miss Hite

Friday, May 8, 2009

Practicing the Attitude of Gratitude

With Mother’s Day rapidly approaching I am so incredibly grateful for my life! I have a beautiful, wonderful mother and beautiful, wonderful friends who are magnificent mommies as well!

This mother’s day reconfirms that we all have something to be grateful for! I don’t care if it’s your mother, your play mother, your baby’s momma, or your baby’s momma’s momma! I know there’s at least one mother in your life who you can be grateful for!
When it comes to being happy, gratitude is EVERYTHING.

My personal gratitude list is endless, but I have a couple of things I’m grateful for that I would like to share with all of you.

I thank God for my family, who are always there for me no matter what. Such a beautiful group of individuals inside and out! Love you guys!

I’m ever so grateful for all of my friends who read my blog. You all inspire me to be a better writer, a better communicator and most importantly, a better person. Thanks! You all are AMAZING!!!

I’m also thankful for the power granted upon me everyday by God that allows me to handle all things that come my way and for all of the beautiful things he’s bestowed upon my life.

Last but certainly not least I am grateful for my book The Human Right of Happiness that is bringing so much positivity into my life that it’s almost ridunculous! (almost) The best thing is… there is still more to come. Stay tuned for blogs on subjects like; pursuing your dreams, how to handle a job you HATE, and tips on dating, love, relationships and even being single (oh yeah, the best is yet to come).

So this weekend I challenge you to be grateful for any and every thing you can think of. Gratitude is one of the several Amendments to follow in order to claim your human right to be happy! Being grateful instantly makes you happier and opens your eyes to incredible things that you didn’t even know existed!

Have a wonderful, safe and beautiful Mothers Day Weekend!



Miss Hite

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Melting the Pounds Away by Summer Part III of III

I don’t profess to be a doctor nor is my degree in a health related field. The jewels I share with you are things that have worked for me. Through experience I’ve learned that the whole weight loss process takes time and as I stated in previous blog “[sometimes] it’s our perception on how to achieve our goals that keeps us from sticking with them.”

To lose weight and keep it off you have to BELIEVE in a new healthy lifestyle that’s manageable and one that you will stick to.
Below you will find 5 tips that I personally used to melt pounds off and kept them off! But it didn’t happen overnight. Long lasting weight loss is a process of changing your life for the better and we all know that sometimes progress can be a slow process.

[Disclaimer: Consult your physician before practicing any of the methods below.]

1. Add a fruit or vegetable to every meal. Even if you’re eating something really unhealthy adding fruits and veggies will help fill you up quicker and give you healthy nutrients that you don’t usually get.

2. Start eating at home more. It takes at least 35 minutes to drive, order, pick-up and bring home food from restaurants. So why not take those 35 minutes to prepare the same meal at home? It’s healthier because you control the ingredients and portion sizes and you’re less prone to germs and other yucky things that weirdo’s do to people’s food in public places (did you hear about the blood in the ketchup packages… YUCK!!!)

3. Get physical everyday for at least 30 minutes. Make it a way of life. Find a work out plan that works for you and stick to it. (2 of those days should be low impact)

4. If you’re not hungry DON’T EAT! I know that sounds like common sense, but you won’t believe how much we do it.

5. Keep a positive mindset about your current body. Stop yourself every time you think or say something negative about your weight, eating habits and body. If you happen to slip up, counteract that negative thought or statement with a positive one (out loud). We have to love the body God has given us in order to be happy. :-D

Follow these steps in conjunction with the other advice from my upcoming book The Human Right of Happiness and before you know it your sides will start to shrink, those thighs will become firmer and you can fit your skinny jeans again! And in a year you’ve gotten rid of 30 excess pounds.

I know what you’re thinking… “A YEAR!?!?!” Yep, you heard me correctly, a year. But look at it this way… last time this year how much weight did you want to lose...? You got it, that same pesky 30 pounds. So would you rather be 30 lbs lighter next year this time or continue to try to lose 30 lbs the same way you’ve been trying. Remember, the weight didn’t come on overnight, so it’s not going to come off overnight.


Miss Hite

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Melting Away the Pounds by Summer Part II

[Disclaimer: As I stated in a previous blog, The Hard Part… Convincing You That Happiness IS Your Right, “there is no person, no amount of money, no relationship, no career [and in this case no ideal weight] that will make you happy.” Happiness comes from loving yourself and making the conscious decision to be happy. And what better way to display the love of ones self than by taking care of the temple that God has blessed you with]

One of the biggest mistakes to make when it comes to losing weight is focusing on how much weight we’d like to lose rather than focusing on giving our bodies the nutrients and proper exercise it needs to be healthy. We all have goals. My personal favorite is when I say “I want to lose 30 lbs in 3 months. That should be easy. It’s only 10 lbs a month.”

Well that’s where I’m wrong. (Yes ladies and gentlemen, even I, yours truly, can be wrong at times). Because 3 months passes and long story short, I ain’t lost 3 lbs let alone 30. And then what happens? I get depressed or start a new diet on “Monday.” And unfortunately if I were to keep this mind-set, in 3 more months down the road I’m sure to be in the same boat.

But that doesn’t have to be the case. What if I told you that you could lose 30lbs and keep them off! You would love me forever right. Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret…

There are 2 main components (food and fitness) that contribute to you dropping the pounds and losing 10, 20 or even 30 lbs and accomplishing this is easy if you BELIEVE you can.

B alance – Before losing weight you will need to balance yourself. Emotionally that is. You have to achieve a happy state of being within yourself and be comfortable with your current body before you can successfully achieve your weight loss goal. This means making the conscious decision to be happy with your current body regardless of weight or shape.

E at well – Eating well isn’t so much about eliminating certain things from your diet, rather adding necessary things into you current diet that you may be neglecting right now. (i.e. fruits, veggies, water, etc.)

L ook on the bright side of life – Studies show that stress packs on the pounds and if you let yourself get too stressed out, your almost destined for failure :-( Try your hardest to look at the positive and remember “your health is depending on it!!!”

I nvite Wellness into your life – Instead of focusing on how much weight you want to lose, focus on having a healthy body, both inside and out. This means supplying your body with foods loaded with nutritional value and getting the proper amount of exercise. And remember always opt for organic over the conventional foods.

E at to live DON’T live to eat – Changing your thought pattern about food can help you start losing weight instantly. Thinking “Oh, I can’t eat that” is just as bad if not worse than thinking “I can eat as much as I want.” Food is not your enemy. It’s your friend if you treat it right.

V ictory is yours! Name it and claim it! – That’s right, failure is not an option once you’ve made the decision to change your lifestyle. So know that this is not another “diet” that you’re doing for 6 months. Instead, focus on it as a lifestyle change that you are going to live with, love and enjoy for the rest of your time here on Earth!

E xercise DAILY yep, I said DAILY! – OK, I know this one sounds harsh BUT it’s the key to living a healthy life and its not as hard as it sounds. Remember when we were kids and we use to go out side and “play”… ALL DAY??? (i.e. exercising) Yeah… well do you remember how skinny most kids used to be back in those days? Or even back in the 60s before everyone drove EVERYWHERE and walked instead. (i.e. exercising) People were a lot thinner back then than they are today. Truth is, we’ve come to look at exercise as if it were a chore and not something that we use to do daily before the introduction of modern day luxuries (i.e. cars, bikes, scooters, facebook… that’s right I said FACEBOOK). These are all things that keep us sedentary. When I say exercises daily, that doesn’t mean hit the gym for a strenuous cardio and weight lifting session day after day. Though you will need to do this on some days (there’s no way around that if you’re trying to drop weight off), other ways of getting in physical activity could mean something as simple as walking to store instead of driving, going outside to play with your kids for 30 minutes or going out Salsa dancing. Long story short, exercise is not chore it’s simply the art of moving that body!

In part III of this post will give you a list of 5 things to introduce you to a healthier lifestyle. This new way of life will put you right on track to having a healthy shape that you can’t help but be happy with.

In my book “The Human Right of Happiness” I will go in depth on the entire subject in order to help you get your mind right so you can live healthy and happy.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Melting the Pounds Away by Summer

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

If you didn’t get the MEMO

Summer is almost here.

You heard me right:


Now I want everyone one of my valued readers to think back to January 1, 2009. Yep, you got it. The day you made that New Year’s resolution to… (fill in the blank).

For some of us, this consisted of the recurring weight loss goal. You know the ones we revisit every year like; losing “20 lbs” by summer, or to “build 20 lbs in muscle by ‘bike week.’”

We had big plans to do it all…
Lose 5 lbs a week
Hit the Gym on the regular
Stop eating fast food
Stop eating PERIOD!

That’s right, between January 1, 2009 until April 28, 2009 we’ve tried it ALL. And now here we are. Almost in the 5th month of the year and still wearing the same size we did when the year began.

What Gives???

Let’s face it, whether it’s saving an extra $400 each month or dropping 20 lbs, New Year resolutions, rarely stick. But it’s not so much the actual resolution that’s the problem; it’s our perception on how to achieve these goals that keeps us from sticking with them. (i.e. dropping the weight or building our saving accounts.)

But no need to worry… as always, the Human Right of Happiness has an amazing “Amendment” that addresses the issues we deal with every day as they apply to weight-loss, health and wellness.

In this 3-part blog I will give you some of my best tips on how to become happily healthy which in turn will help you automatically lose weight!!!

Following these easy steps will be a jump-start towards long term weigh-loss and put you on track to successfully dropping each unwanted pound 1 by 1. This blog series is meant to keep you going until my book is released. At that time you will get full access to my step by step guide to losing weight. A process that is hassle free and allows you to eat whatever you want and still lose weight!

I know it sounds too good to be true but trust me, it works! But you’ve got to apply the H R of H Weight-loss Amendment and… “BELIEVE” you can drop those pounds.

B alance (practicing the art of Balance)
E at well
L ook on the bright side of life
I nvite Wellness into your life
E at to live DON’T live to eat
V ictory is yours! Name it and claim it!
E xercise DAILY yep, I said DAILY!

I hope you look forward to parts 2 and 3 of this blog. And if you’re comfortable with your weight that’s GREAT! Just make sure you turn someone else on to this blog series. Because when you share, it shows that you care, and this entry is sure to benefit someone you know!


Miss Hite

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Value of Money Part II

[Disclaimer: Due to the seriousness of the content of this entry I kinda sorta went over my 350 word limit, but I felt it was warranted for such an important subject]

What a dynamic response to Part I of this post. Thanks to everyone for your profound insight. I can see this is a subject that definitely warrants a chapter in my book. Everyone who commented on Part I dropped some major jewels and I don’t think I could have written Part II without your input. Thanks so much!

So we’ve heard from the masses and everyone weighed in with some extremely profound insight on whether or not money had the ability to make us happy.

Some of us have been trained all our lives to believe that money is evil; that it’s “of the devil.”

We’ve been told that greed is one of the 7 Deadly Sins and we instinctively associate greed with those who have excessive amounts of money.

As I write this blog I can visualize the shocking looks I receive from some people when I mention the mere fact that I want to be “rich.”

There are plenty of situations that would lead us to believe that money is evil and therefore conclude that it cannot make us happy. With America being in its current economic state, one can see where such a stigma evolves from.

Just yesterday the news headline read Police investigating death of Freddie Mac official. Cause of death, suicide. “David Kellermann, 41, apparently hanged himself in his suburban Washington home.”

Then there was the man in California who killed himself and his family citing "after a horrendous ordeal, my wife felt it better to end our lives; and why leave our children in someone else's hands ... we have no job and 5 children under 8 years with no place to go. So here we are."

There are even preachers who misappropriate church funds because of greed and a lack of moral conscience.

So is it true? Is money truly evil and if so, how can something so evil make us happy?

The truth about money is this:

Money only has as much power over our lives and our happiness as we give it. If we allow it to be the driving force for our existence or base our self-worth and happiness on it, then we are playing a very dangerous game.

It’s not money that is evil; rather it is the love of money that turns the all mighty dollar into a distasteful unit.

Still we must remember that our attitudes towards money can very much be a double edge sword. On one hand if you chase it too hard, you can lose yourself in the process; become possessed by it even.

On the other hand, if you disdain it, you will drive it away and it is this thought pattern that has been ingrained in our minds by outside influences and, as pointed out by many successful people, is one of the main reasons some people never attain the wealth they truly desire.

So what do we do?

Well let’s be realistic, unless we’re living in la-la land, we need money to maintain our current lifestyles and live comfortably. In order to claim our human right to be happy (as you will find in the book) we must master the art of “balance.” We should also learn to re-train our internal mind-set and take control of how we allow external situations affect our happiness.

In my book, The Human Right of Happiness I share that we should embrace and even welcome the luxuries and benefits we can receive from money.

It is okay to have money as long as we don’t let money “have” us.

Whether we’re as rich as Oprah or as poor as Ned the Wino on Good Times we should always remember that money (or anything else for that matter) can’t make us happy. Happiness is something that only you alone can attain and it starts with making a conscious decision to be happy despite your economic status.

But let us not act as if we don’t have a need for it (regardless of the amount) because realistically, we do.

So go forth, my fellow friends, and receive all the riches the Universe has to offer you. Just be sure you are careful about the amount of “value” you place on money and how you allow it affects your happiness.


Ms. Hite

You all were such an inspiration I’ve decided to use some of your quotes in my upcoming book…


“Let anyone say how they can do without money and you have found someone that is such a good story teller that they have fooled themselves. – Phillip D. Goolsby

“A lot of “life’s problems can be rectified with a lil cashola!”
Akono Hite

“[Money] may spice and facilitate happiness but not earn it. Happiness is a state of mind, one can earn it with or without money.” – Mohammed Adamu

“…those who already have money find other reasons to be unhappy since money has always been abundant.” – N’neka Hite

“…happiness has to be a state of being” – Le Roy Cooper

“I would agree that money is essential, however we should not let it have us, or depend solely on it for our happiness.” – Patricia Hite

Thanks Fam!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Value of Money Part I:

Money, Wealth, and Happiness

Can anyone answer the age old question:

Can money buy us happiness?

Now before you answer this question (either silently in your own head or via commenting on this blog) think REALLY hard.

Think about aaallll the thinks you could enjoy if you had unlimited amounts of money:

- Purchase your dream car.
- Buy a beautiful new house… CASH!
- You could kiss all those excessive doctor bills goodbye (mmmmuah)!
- Hire a personal chef and personal trainer to maintain your ideal weight.
- Take an ultimate fantasy vacation.
- Fill your wardrobe with designer clothes (every brand you ever wanted).

Oh no, wait a minute, that’s my fantasy… (hehehehe)

Ok, really you get the picture. This list could go on and on.

So ask yourself… “Would I be happier if I had more money?”

And by all means, don’t just take the “holy than thou” route by cliché-ishly saying, “I don’t NEED money to be happy.”

Tell me if you REALLY believe your happiness can be bought. (Don’t be ashamed if you do or don’t).

Sure we’ve all heard of the old rich man who dies with no family members at his side; just a hired nurse who hates his guts because he’s been a royal a-hole ever since she’s worked for him.

But I’m not talking about that kind of rich.

I’m talking about YOU. The nice, sweet, thoughtful, loyal, friendly, intelligent, charitable YOU.


Do you think money can buy you happiness?

In my upcoming book The Human Right of Happiness there will be a section on money, wealth, and finances, and what role (if any) they play in our quest of living a happy life.

But lucky for you I’ll discuss the key to wealth and happiness in Part II of this entry on Friday.

In the mean time, I’d love to hear your thoughts on whether or not money makes you happy.


Miss Hite

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happiness on the Airwaves!

Yesterday I had the wonderful privilege of having my blog and book featured one of the most innovative and interactive shows in our modern world! I had the pleasure of being invited on’s Vent Your Mind community call hosted by the one and only Omari Dixon and I have to admit, it was truly an amazing experience!

Omari, along with the other members of the show, were awesome. The dynamic group was very welcoming, well informed, and most of all… ENTERTAINING.

The incredibly intellectual (and might I add) witty Sunny and Jamaal complimented the show by adding substance while the phenomenal “call control god” himself, Omari, kept the show going! Omari is a wonderful host and interviewer. He made a nervous wreck (yeah that would be me) feel comfortable and welcomed on the call.

But most of all, this all-start line up is supported by an extra-ordinary group of audience members! There was a particular young lady on there with an amazing voice and plenty of “science to drop.” (SHOUT OUT TO LADYHOLIDAY!!!). The inter-activity of this call is what takes it to the next level!

Best described, the “Vent Your Mind” experience is a vibrant mix of intellectual topics, awesome hosts, a lively audience, and comedy that will have you LYAO.

The best part of the Vent Your Mind series is that you as listeners get join in and… you guessed it VENT YOUR MIND!!! (Now who wouldn’t enjoy that) :D

Even if you didn’t catch the show last night, (and totally missed me promote my blog) it’s all good. You can catch it every Tuesday at 9 PM (6 PM PST).

To join directly through your facebook account, click here or visit for more information!

See you next week! And thanks to the Vent Your Mind crew, you guys and gals were WONDERFUL!

Miss Hite

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Eternal Sunshine of the Unlimited Mind

One of the things that I admire most is ambition. And now – thanks to online networking sites – I am privy to even more bright minds than I could ask for. Lucky for me I’m surrounded by a circle of ambitious individuals and there is one common denominator amongst each and every one of them. The commonality they all seem to share is that they laugh in the face of obstacles and take on projects and endeavors that others may find outlandish and even unattainable. Plainly stated; they lack limitation in their thought patterns.

I’ve discovered that there is one thing (along with hard work) that is essential for success -- having an ambitious mind-set. Meaning… you know, deep within, that the world is yours for the taking regardless of the limiting thoughts of others. Sometimes even our own minds hold us back from being the best at who we can be.

Too many times I can look back on my life and see how some of my own limiting thoughts have kept me from excelling beyond levels that now seem minimal for me to surpass. That’s why I have taken control of my thoughts and reset my thought boundaries to “Unlimited.” This means I can have, do, and BE anything I want! Whenever I want. And the best part about it is… So can you!!!

But there are a couple of steps you have to follow in order to begin living in the Eternal Sunshine of the Unlimited Mind. Here are a few key things that have been practice by some of the greatest people of our time:

1. Believe that anything is possible… no matter how unattainable it seems.

2. Remember the acronym of FEAR.
Evidence that
And remember that there is NOTHING TO FEAR BUT FEAR ITSELF (Ah-ha)
(thanks Ma ;-)

3. Dream big! Regardless of outside influences. The bigger the dream the better the outcome!

4. Remember that being a “Multi-Passionate” individual only adds to your character and depth and as long as you know how to take care of business, you can’t help but be a success!

5. Beware of the company you keep. Sometimes the people we care about most could be aiding in the hindrance of our success. Remember; “We can’t expect to fly like eagles when we surround ourselves with chickens.”

There is no need to box your self in one single area. If you have a passion for filmmaking, education, writing, entrepreneurship, pottery AND underwater basket weaving (like myself) then GO FOR IT! And don’t let someone else’s limited beliefs throw a monkey wrench in your well thought out system!

The only thing standing between you and the destination of your dream is – you guessed it – your thoughts!

Changing your thought pattern will change your life, allowing you to bask in the Eternal Sunshine of the Unlimited Mind.

This I promise you!

My upcoming book “The Human Right of Happiness” will cover this topic in intricate detail. Seriously a chapter you WON’T want to miss!

Miss Hite

The Magic of the Ah-ha

"If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development." - Brian Tracy

An extremely profound quote from an individual is one of the most powerful things we can encounter in life.

You can hear something that’s been said a thousand times over, but it doesn’t quite resonate with you until you’re in a particular mind-set. And then BAM! It comes down on you like a ton of bricks!

This is what we like to call an “ah-ha” moment.

Ah-ha moments mark such a great point in time of your life. It’s when you’ve reached a certain level in a particular aspect of life and at that exact moment – for some reason or another – you just “get it!”

This literally makes you say “Ah-ha…”

Can you think of an Ah-ha moment you’ve experienced in the past?

For instance. You’ve heard people say over and over… “look at the bright side” or “stay positive” but let’s be honest, when we’re in the middle of a self-esteem slump, the last thing we need is someone telling us to be happy.

Actually, looking at “the positive” is in fact the best remedy for curing a miserable mind-state. And it’s not until you experience your personal “Ah-ha” moment, as it pertains to the possibilities of positivity, that you realize the power of gratitude.

The key to taking full advantage of these “Ah-ha” moments is being OPEN to their existence and having faith that they’re out there. So make a conscious decision to watch for your personal ah-ha moments.

There’s no need for us to re-invent the wheel. Most of the information we need to better ourselves is already roaming the world just waiting on us to discovery it. You’d be surprised to find out how much we can glean from those in our past and present. The key is being open to the many possibilities that Ah-ha moments have to offer and use them to take your life to the next level!

Good luck on embracing your Ah-ha’s!

Miss Hite

Monday, April 6, 2009

To All Self Help Skeptics : The Truth About Self Help

One thing you’ll learn about me is… I always keep it real!

So when I give it to you, you’re going to get it straight --
no chaser ;-).

With that being said; a word of truth on “Self Help.”

Lately, whenever I meet a new person or run into an old friend I share with them that I am in the process of writing my first book. And they always ask, "really about what?" My natural response (accompanied by a broad and proud smile) is, "a book on how to be happy. It’s called 'The Human Right of Happiness'."

"Cool" or "Wow" is the usual response I get followed by another common question such as, "So what's the secret to being happy?" or "What made you pick that topic?"

On one particular occasion I was in the bookstore and struck up a conversation with a girl. We were both about to purchase the same book on WordPress and started talking about our blogs. The conversation went as usual and she then posed the question. "What made you pick that topic?"

I told her that I felt we all, as human beings, have the right to live happy lives. The only problem was that some of us just simply don’t know how to get there. I shared with her that I am the self proclaimed “Queen of Self-Help Books” and I have read my fair share of self-development materials which has helped me through some pretty rough spots.

I explained to her how I'd been through times in my life where I felt like I needed a guide on how to just "be happy" and wasn’t able to find a book on it. So I figured, since I now have the answer, it was my civil responsibility to share this knowledge with others.

She nodded and agreed and even threw in a couple of "um hmm's" and "ok's" during my spill. After I explained my reasoning she said it was “great.”

Then she went on to tell me how much she hated self help books. (me = gasp!) She felt they were all (or mostly) written by people who had never been through anything themselves. (me = shame!) People who'd only observed the misery in the lives of others. Professor and PhD talking heads spewing insignificant knowledge about all they've learned from their scholastic efforts. (me = oh the insanity!) She said they were all fake and commented on how they just gave you some fairy tale "Who Moved My Cheese" type answer on how to handle a situation. (me = blasphemy!) "They tell you something really easy to do and then act like everything is supposed to be ok... what do they know? They've never been through anything!" she said. (me = “get-a-rope”).


No, really, I thought her insight was very interesting. It made me think and took my book to the next level! And this is when I discovered The Truth About Self Help…

What she'd seem to have missed was one very important word in the phrase "self help." You got it... the key word is "self." When it comes to self help books, writers merely provided us with information. How we use that information to "help" our "selves" is our responsibility.

There are at least two steps in every self-help program.

The first step is gaining and absorbing the information. The second step is applying what you've learned to your personal life and putting it into action!

Nobody on earth has been through everything we have as individuals so there's no self-help guru who has all the answers to our specific situations. But people who write self help material (regardless of their reasoning) provide us with a concept that may or may not work. It is up to us to put these concepts into action and use them to make our lives better.

As the old saying goes... you can lead a horse to the water but you can't make him drink."

With that being said, I challenge you to help yourself as you read my materials and blog postings.

I personally love self help material and find it admirable that someone would be willing to share their insight on how I can make my life better. I truly pray from the bottom of my heart that the wisdom that I share with you helps you to be the best person you know you are within.

I know it’s helping me ;-).

With Love,

Miss Hite

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

“The Human Right of Happiness”

Have you ever thought… “Why can’t I just be happy?”

Does the thought of pure, utter and complete happiness seem absolutely unattainable?

Or do you ever feel that just at the moment when you have obtained complete happiness, it is suddenly swept away from you, leaving you right where you started, or an even worse place than you were before?

Well, I’m excited to tell you that your life does not have to be filled with feelings of hopelessness, doubt and despair. Hello, I'm Ms. Hite and it thrills me to inform you that each and every one of us has a human right to be happy. (You heard me correctly, a HUMAN RIGHT!) My upcoming book, “The Human Right of Happiness,” will give you the blueprint on what steps to take towards ensuring you live your best possible life; with happiness as your foundation.

Luckily, you don’t have to wait until April of next year to begin implementing the keys to a successful, fulfilling and happy life. Because life is a journey, not a destination, my free weekly blog will walk you through the different ways to enjoy life, and reveal how happiness is within you right now -- at this very moment.

This will be one of the most dynamic blogs you’ll ever have to pleasure of experiencing. It’ll be packed with entertaining information, strategies and exercises that will encourage you to have the life you’ve always wanted to have (If you’ve always wanted to be happy that is.) We’ll cover a range of things that affect our happiness like Wealth, Career, Health & Wellness, Diet & Exercise and of course Dating & Relationships (my expertise hehehe). Also, this is the one and only blog that offers the “Ask Kiki” section, where you can (anonymously) ask yours truly any question you’d like and I can share my jewels of wisdom with you. And don’t worry; if I don’t have the answer, I have a dynamic team of people who I can get the answer from. So BRING IT ON!!!

If you’re ready for the long lasting happiness that is your natural human right, sign up for my free blog below which will be emailed to you every Thursday. Or you can simply visit every Thursday morning for a weekly guide to your new exciting, fulfilling, incredibly happy life. Let’s get started!

The Hard Part… Convincing You That Happiness IS Your Right.

So I know what your first question is…

“Why do I have the human right to be happy?”

And to that question my answer to you would be… WHY NOT?!?!

Doesn’t the mere thought of having a right to be happy give you a sense of entitlement to the emotion as a whole? Knowing that something (in this case happiness) is your God given right makes you expect it and once you expect something, you have a better chance at getting it (we’ll talk about this later).

So, "What's the secret to living a happy life?”

That's the main question I get when I tell people about my upcoming book "The Human Right of Happiness." Being happy and enjoying life is a luxury that many of us let pass us by as we go along with our daily tasks. We become so consumed with our itineraries, emotional issues, material wants, and even basic necessities like food, shelter and clothing, that we don't stop and take out the time to simply enjoy and appreciate the actual act of living. These things (and many more) are what make us feel horrible emotions such as depression, the feelings of anxiousness, sadness, hopelessness and helplessness. We begin to focus on these negative feelings and this becomes counter-productive because focusing on what is not there or what we're lacking is what brings these feelings about.

And then our mind goes to work.

"If only I had a job that I liked or made more money."

"If I could just find the right relationship."

"If I could just lose this 20lbs."

Trust me; I know from experience, we can always think of something(s) that would make our lives so much better. A better car, a bigger home, having a child, having no children, being older, being younger, the list could go on and on. What we fail to realize is, by doing this we’re rely on things from our external world to make our internal-selves happy. This, my friends, is a recipe for disaster.

Now I'm not saying these things don't mean anything, they are definitely great additions to our lives. What I am saying is they are not guaranteed to make us happy. I always hear people say "money's not everything; you can't take it with you when you die." But what they fail to mention is -- you can't take anything with you when you pass away.

You see, there is no person, no amount of money, no relationship, no career that will make you happy. Sure, you may be happy for a while, but soon those all to familiar feelings come creeping back and before you know it, you're back where you started... hopeless.

Happiness comes from within. When we rely on external things to make us happy, we give that specific thing (or things) power and control over our emotional state which leaves you powerless should those things be lost. This means we can only rely on ourselves for our emotional state; and this gives us so much power.

So what's the secret to living a happy life?

I'm glad to tell you that I have discovered the key ingredient to happy living. There is a way for you to become sincerely happy and enjoy every moment of your life (even the not so good moments).

The first step to put you on the path to taking full advantage of your natural human right to be happy is simple and you don't need to buy it, meet it, work for a long time at it.

All you have to do is -- are you ready – simply make a conscious decision to be happy. It's that easy. This is why being happy is something that you and only you have control over.

I know it may be hard and it might even sound a little cheesy at first. You may have reservations about what I’m telling you. But it’s the ONLY way you will even stand a chance at having a taste of the good life.

The beautiful truth about Self Help is that you have the ability to take the knowledge you receive and use it to help yourself. By making a conscious decision to be happy you set the foundation to having a wonderful life. Also, practicing some of my other suggestion and implementing them in your life will add the balance you need to live your most fulfilling life possible! That's what this site is all about. Helping us help ourselves by embracing our power during every moment in of lives.

-- xoxo Miss Hite