Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Melting the Pounds Away by Summer

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

If you didn’t get the MEMO

Summer is almost here.

You heard me right:


Now I want everyone one of my valued readers to think back to January 1, 2009. Yep, you got it. The day you made that New Year’s resolution to… (fill in the blank).

For some of us, this consisted of the recurring weight loss goal. You know the ones we revisit every year like; losing “20 lbs” by summer, or to “build 20 lbs in muscle by ‘bike week.’”

We had big plans to do it all…
Lose 5 lbs a week
Hit the Gym on the regular
Stop eating fast food
Stop eating PERIOD!

That’s right, between January 1, 2009 until April 28, 2009 we’ve tried it ALL. And now here we are. Almost in the 5th month of the year and still wearing the same size we did when the year began.

What Gives???

Let’s face it, whether it’s saving an extra $400 each month or dropping 20 lbs, New Year resolutions, rarely stick. But it’s not so much the actual resolution that’s the problem; it’s our perception on how to achieve these goals that keeps us from sticking with them. (i.e. dropping the weight or building our saving accounts.)

But no need to worry… as always, the Human Right of Happiness has an amazing “Amendment” that addresses the issues we deal with every day as they apply to weight-loss, health and wellness.

In this 3-part blog I will give you some of my best tips on how to become happily healthy which in turn will help you automatically lose weight!!!

Following these easy steps will be a jump-start towards long term weigh-loss and put you on track to successfully dropping each unwanted pound 1 by 1. This blog series is meant to keep you going until my book is released. At that time you will get full access to my step by step guide to losing weight. A process that is hassle free and allows you to eat whatever you want and still lose weight!

I know it sounds too good to be true but trust me, it works! But you’ve got to apply the H R of H Weight-loss Amendment and… “BELIEVE” you can drop those pounds.

B alance (practicing the art of Balance)
E at well
L ook on the bright side of life
I nvite Wellness into your life
E at to live DON’T live to eat
V ictory is yours! Name it and claim it!
E xercise DAILY yep, I said DAILY!

I hope you look forward to parts 2 and 3 of this blog. And if you’re comfortable with your weight that’s GREAT! Just make sure you turn someone else on to this blog series. Because when you share, it shows that you care, and this entry is sure to benefit someone you know!


Miss Hite

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