Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Value of Money Part I:

Money, Wealth, and Happiness

Can anyone answer the age old question:

Can money buy us happiness?

Now before you answer this question (either silently in your own head or via commenting on this blog) think REALLY hard.

Think about aaallll the thinks you could enjoy if you had unlimited amounts of money:

- Purchase your dream car.
- Buy a beautiful new house… CASH!
- You could kiss all those excessive doctor bills goodbye (mmmmuah)!
- Hire a personal chef and personal trainer to maintain your ideal weight.
- Take an ultimate fantasy vacation.
- Fill your wardrobe with designer clothes (every brand you ever wanted).

Oh no, wait a minute, that’s my fantasy… (hehehehe)

Ok, really you get the picture. This list could go on and on.

So ask yourself… “Would I be happier if I had more money?”

And by all means, don’t just take the “holy than thou” route by cliché-ishly saying, “I don’t NEED money to be happy.”

Tell me if you REALLY believe your happiness can be bought. (Don’t be ashamed if you do or don’t).

Sure we’ve all heard of the old rich man who dies with no family members at his side; just a hired nurse who hates his guts because he’s been a royal a-hole ever since she’s worked for him.

But I’m not talking about that kind of rich.

I’m talking about YOU. The nice, sweet, thoughtful, loyal, friendly, intelligent, charitable YOU.


Do you think money can buy you happiness?

In my upcoming book The Human Right of Happiness there will be a section on money, wealth, and finances, and what role (if any) they play in our quest of living a happy life.

But lucky for you I’ll discuss the key to wealth and happiness in Part II of this entry on Friday.

In the mean time, I’d love to hear your thoughts on whether or not money makes you happy.


Miss Hite

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