Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Magic of the Ah-ha

"If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development." - Brian Tracy

An extremely profound quote from an individual is one of the most powerful things we can encounter in life.

You can hear something that’s been said a thousand times over, but it doesn’t quite resonate with you until you’re in a particular mind-set. And then BAM! It comes down on you like a ton of bricks!

This is what we like to call an “ah-ha” moment.

Ah-ha moments mark such a great point in time of your life. It’s when you’ve reached a certain level in a particular aspect of life and at that exact moment – for some reason or another – you just “get it!”

This literally makes you say “Ah-ha…”

Can you think of an Ah-ha moment you’ve experienced in the past?

For instance. You’ve heard people say over and over… “look at the bright side” or “stay positive” but let’s be honest, when we’re in the middle of a self-esteem slump, the last thing we need is someone telling us to be happy.

Actually, looking at “the positive” is in fact the best remedy for curing a miserable mind-state. And it’s not until you experience your personal “Ah-ha” moment, as it pertains to the possibilities of positivity, that you realize the power of gratitude.

The key to taking full advantage of these “Ah-ha” moments is being OPEN to their existence and having faith that they’re out there. So make a conscious decision to watch for your personal ah-ha moments.

There’s no need for us to re-invent the wheel. Most of the information we need to better ourselves is already roaming the world just waiting on us to discovery it. You’d be surprised to find out how much we can glean from those in our past and present. The key is being open to the many possibilities that Ah-ha moments have to offer and use them to take your life to the next level!

Good luck on embracing your Ah-ha’s!

Miss Hite

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