Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Eternal Sunshine of the Unlimited Mind

One of the things that I admire most is ambition. And now – thanks to online networking sites – I am privy to even more bright minds than I could ask for. Lucky for me I’m surrounded by a circle of ambitious individuals and there is one common denominator amongst each and every one of them. The commonality they all seem to share is that they laugh in the face of obstacles and take on projects and endeavors that others may find outlandish and even unattainable. Plainly stated; they lack limitation in their thought patterns.

I’ve discovered that there is one thing (along with hard work) that is essential for success -- having an ambitious mind-set. Meaning… you know, deep within, that the world is yours for the taking regardless of the limiting thoughts of others. Sometimes even our own minds hold us back from being the best at who we can be.

Too many times I can look back on my life and see how some of my own limiting thoughts have kept me from excelling beyond levels that now seem minimal for me to surpass. That’s why I have taken control of my thoughts and reset my thought boundaries to “Unlimited.” This means I can have, do, and BE anything I want! Whenever I want. And the best part about it is… So can you!!!

But there are a couple of steps you have to follow in order to begin living in the Eternal Sunshine of the Unlimited Mind. Here are a few key things that have been practice by some of the greatest people of our time:

1. Believe that anything is possible… no matter how unattainable it seems.

2. Remember the acronym of FEAR.
Evidence that
And remember that there is NOTHING TO FEAR BUT FEAR ITSELF (Ah-ha)
(thanks Ma ;-)

3. Dream big! Regardless of outside influences. The bigger the dream the better the outcome!

4. Remember that being a “Multi-Passionate” individual only adds to your character and depth and as long as you know how to take care of business, you can’t help but be a success!

5. Beware of the company you keep. Sometimes the people we care about most could be aiding in the hindrance of our success. Remember; “We can’t expect to fly like eagles when we surround ourselves with chickens.”

There is no need to box your self in one single area. If you have a passion for filmmaking, education, writing, entrepreneurship, pottery AND underwater basket weaving (like myself) then GO FOR IT! And don’t let someone else’s limited beliefs throw a monkey wrench in your well thought out system!

The only thing standing between you and the destination of your dream is – you guessed it – your thoughts!

Changing your thought pattern will change your life, allowing you to bask in the Eternal Sunshine of the Unlimited Mind.

This I promise you!

My upcoming book “The Human Right of Happiness” will cover this topic in intricate detail. Seriously a chapter you WON’T want to miss!

Miss Hite

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