Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Hard Part… Convincing You That Happiness IS Your Right.

So I know what your first question is…

“Why do I have the human right to be happy?”

And to that question my answer to you would be… WHY NOT?!?!

Doesn’t the mere thought of having a right to be happy give you a sense of entitlement to the emotion as a whole? Knowing that something (in this case happiness) is your God given right makes you expect it and once you expect something, you have a better chance at getting it (we’ll talk about this later).

So, "What's the secret to living a happy life?”

That's the main question I get when I tell people about my upcoming book "The Human Right of Happiness." Being happy and enjoying life is a luxury that many of us let pass us by as we go along with our daily tasks. We become so consumed with our itineraries, emotional issues, material wants, and even basic necessities like food, shelter and clothing, that we don't stop and take out the time to simply enjoy and appreciate the actual act of living. These things (and many more) are what make us feel horrible emotions such as depression, the feelings of anxiousness, sadness, hopelessness and helplessness. We begin to focus on these negative feelings and this becomes counter-productive because focusing on what is not there or what we're lacking is what brings these feelings about.

And then our mind goes to work.

"If only I had a job that I liked or made more money."

"If I could just find the right relationship."

"If I could just lose this 20lbs."

Trust me; I know from experience, we can always think of something(s) that would make our lives so much better. A better car, a bigger home, having a child, having no children, being older, being younger, the list could go on and on. What we fail to realize is, by doing this we’re rely on things from our external world to make our internal-selves happy. This, my friends, is a recipe for disaster.

Now I'm not saying these things don't mean anything, they are definitely great additions to our lives. What I am saying is they are not guaranteed to make us happy. I always hear people say "money's not everything; you can't take it with you when you die." But what they fail to mention is -- you can't take anything with you when you pass away.

You see, there is no person, no amount of money, no relationship, no career that will make you happy. Sure, you may be happy for a while, but soon those all to familiar feelings come creeping back and before you know it, you're back where you started... hopeless.

Happiness comes from within. When we rely on external things to make us happy, we give that specific thing (or things) power and control over our emotional state which leaves you powerless should those things be lost. This means we can only rely on ourselves for our emotional state; and this gives us so much power.

So what's the secret to living a happy life?

I'm glad to tell you that I have discovered the key ingredient to happy living. There is a way for you to become sincerely happy and enjoy every moment of your life (even the not so good moments).

The first step to put you on the path to taking full advantage of your natural human right to be happy is simple and you don't need to buy it, meet it, work for a long time at it.

All you have to do is -- are you ready – simply make a conscious decision to be happy. It's that easy. This is why being happy is something that you and only you have control over.

I know it may be hard and it might even sound a little cheesy at first. You may have reservations about what I’m telling you. But it’s the ONLY way you will even stand a chance at having a taste of the good life.

The beautiful truth about Self Help is that you have the ability to take the knowledge you receive and use it to help yourself. By making a conscious decision to be happy you set the foundation to having a wonderful life. Also, practicing some of my other suggestion and implementing them in your life will add the balance you need to live your most fulfilling life possible! That's what this site is all about. Helping us help ourselves by embracing our power during every moment in of lives.

-- xoxo Miss Hite


  1. This is definatly food for thought and some of the most simple things are the most profound.

  2. i agree with mad. this is definetly food for thought and i cant wait to hear the rest of the secrets of happiness.
