Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Weathering the Storm

The main point I aim to drive home in my book “The Human Right of Happiness” is that being happy is a state of mind; a feeling that is attained by simply making the conscious decision to be happy.

But sometimes we are hit with unexpected occurrences that take a toll on our emotional state and become trapped in our negative thoughts and unhappy feelings, and before we know it, we become depressed, emotionally unbalanced, or simply overwhelmed by the cause and affects of day-to-day life. It is at this point that happiness seems like an unattainable place for us.

During these the times we have to find a way to get through the rough periods in life and break out of the negative mental thoughts that keep us suppressed, distressed and depressed. These are the times that our family, friends and loved ones encourage us with their words of wisdom, positive affirmations and forward thinking in efforts to help us “weather the storm”.

And even though happiness is a choice, sometimes, making the decision to be happy is easier said than done. Making the decision to be happy is the first step, and being emotionally balanced is the perfect re-enforcement to support this decision.

This week I will share some incredible ways to help you reach that “BALANCE” during the trying times of life so you can continue on your path of a happy life even when things don’t look so promising. So stay tuned, trust me, this is a week you won’t want to miss!


Miss Hite

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