Friday, May 8, 2009

Practicing the Attitude of Gratitude

With Mother’s Day rapidly approaching I am so incredibly grateful for my life! I have a beautiful, wonderful mother and beautiful, wonderful friends who are magnificent mommies as well!

This mother’s day reconfirms that we all have something to be grateful for! I don’t care if it’s your mother, your play mother, your baby’s momma, or your baby’s momma’s momma! I know there’s at least one mother in your life who you can be grateful for!
When it comes to being happy, gratitude is EVERYTHING.

My personal gratitude list is endless, but I have a couple of things I’m grateful for that I would like to share with all of you.

I thank God for my family, who are always there for me no matter what. Such a beautiful group of individuals inside and out! Love you guys!

I’m ever so grateful for all of my friends who read my blog. You all inspire me to be a better writer, a better communicator and most importantly, a better person. Thanks! You all are AMAZING!!!

I’m also thankful for the power granted upon me everyday by God that allows me to handle all things that come my way and for all of the beautiful things he’s bestowed upon my life.

Last but certainly not least I am grateful for my book The Human Right of Happiness that is bringing so much positivity into my life that it’s almost ridunculous! (almost) The best thing is… there is still more to come. Stay tuned for blogs on subjects like; pursuing your dreams, how to handle a job you HATE, and tips on dating, love, relationships and even being single (oh yeah, the best is yet to come).

So this weekend I challenge you to be grateful for any and every thing you can think of. Gratitude is one of the several Amendments to follow in order to claim your human right to be happy! Being grateful instantly makes you happier and opens your eyes to incredible things that you didn’t even know existed!

Have a wonderful, safe and beautiful Mothers Day Weekend!



Miss Hite

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