Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Melting the Pounds Away by Summer Part III of III

I don’t profess to be a doctor nor is my degree in a health related field. The jewels I share with you are things that have worked for me. Through experience I’ve learned that the whole weight loss process takes time and as I stated in previous blog “[sometimes] it’s our perception on how to achieve our goals that keeps us from sticking with them.”

To lose weight and keep it off you have to BELIEVE in a new healthy lifestyle that’s manageable and one that you will stick to.
Below you will find 5 tips that I personally used to melt pounds off and kept them off! But it didn’t happen overnight. Long lasting weight loss is a process of changing your life for the better and we all know that sometimes progress can be a slow process.

[Disclaimer: Consult your physician before practicing any of the methods below.]

1. Add a fruit or vegetable to every meal. Even if you’re eating something really unhealthy adding fruits and veggies will help fill you up quicker and give you healthy nutrients that you don’t usually get.

2. Start eating at home more. It takes at least 35 minutes to drive, order, pick-up and bring home food from restaurants. So why not take those 35 minutes to prepare the same meal at home? It’s healthier because you control the ingredients and portion sizes and you’re less prone to germs and other yucky things that weirdo’s do to people’s food in public places (did you hear about the blood in the ketchup packages… YUCK!!!)

3. Get physical everyday for at least 30 minutes. Make it a way of life. Find a work out plan that works for you and stick to it. (2 of those days should be low impact)

4. If you’re not hungry DON’T EAT! I know that sounds like common sense, but you won’t believe how much we do it.

5. Keep a positive mindset about your current body. Stop yourself every time you think or say something negative about your weight, eating habits and body. If you happen to slip up, counteract that negative thought or statement with a positive one (out loud). We have to love the body God has given us in order to be happy. :-D

Follow these steps in conjunction with the other advice from my upcoming book The Human Right of Happiness and before you know it your sides will start to shrink, those thighs will become firmer and you can fit your skinny jeans again! And in a year you’ve gotten rid of 30 excess pounds.

I know what you’re thinking… “A YEAR!?!?!” Yep, you heard me correctly, a year. But look at it this way… last time this year how much weight did you want to lose...? You got it, that same pesky 30 pounds. So would you rather be 30 lbs lighter next year this time or continue to try to lose 30 lbs the same way you’ve been trying. Remember, the weight didn’t come on overnight, so it’s not going to come off overnight.


Miss Hite

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