Friday, July 10, 2009

“I Hate My Job Part II of VI"

“I hate my job” is a term that we use loosely and for some of us rightfully so. There’s always something to complain about at a job you despise. Let’s face it. Nobody wants to spend 8+ hours of committed time around people you can hardly stand, in a place in which your career has absolutely no growth potential.

But hating your job is not the answer to your worries in fact, hating your job only adds to your misery.

As I told you in Part I of this blog, there are 5 jewels I plan to share with you that not only help you begin to like the job you have, but these jewels will also put you on the path to having the fulfilling, successful career you’ve always dreamed of.

The first jewel I offer is very simply stated but could very well be the hardest one for you to accept and act upon.

Jewel #1 is “Love the Job You Have”

Ok, ok. I know what you’re thinking… “How cliché!” You’ve heard it so many times before. “You better be grateful you even have a job in this economy, think about all of the people who are unemployed!”

And while statements like the above are true, there’s much more to “loving the job you have” than just appreciating the fact that you’re not unemployed.

You see, in order for us to have a happy life, we have to invite goodness in. We cannot obtain happiness if we are constantly focusing on what is wrong in our life and how miserable our existence in this world is.

The same applies to our work-life and our careers.

If all you can focus on is how much you hate your job and the only thing keeping you afloat is the fact that you’re not unemployed, it’s no wonder your job sucks! Some people might even feel like being unemployed is a better situation… “At least I’ll still have my sanity!!!” (Trust me, I’ve totally been there before.)

But by “Loving the Job You Have” you will create an energy of goodness and well-being when it comes to your work environment and you will begin to appreciate the job you have and the doors that lead to the paths for new opportunities will magically reveal themselves to you.

Here are a few suggestions that will help put you on the path to loving your current job which just so happens to also be the key element to getting you a new one!

- Take pride in your work, no matter how unimportant it may seem. Every task at work presents an opportunity for you to learn a new skill or improve something that is already in practice. This is a great way to add to your resume and your boss may even give you a promotion.
- If it’s a new job that you seek, learn more about the company that you are already with, there could be an open position at your current place of employment that you are qualified for – companies love to hire from within.
- Pay attention to detail. This is a great idea for those looking to start their own business or get a new job.
- Ignore that little pesky co-worker who’s driving you nuts. Remember, they’re probably just as miserable as you are.
- Beef up the education portion of your resume. Does your employer offer tuition reimbursement? Get a degree, or maybe even a post-graduate degree, and let the company foot the bill. It’s going to add to the company’s proficiency and to your experience, and in the end, everybody wins.

These are just a few easy ways you can start “loving your job” right away. I will share more ways in which you can begin to appreciate your current working situation in my upcoming book “The Human Right of Happiness.”

The next jewel I drop is definitely a keeper. And one of the main reasons most people are unhappy on the job they currently have.

Jewel #2 When it comes to your career “Money Ain’t Everything”

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