Saturday, June 6, 2009

Weathering the Storms of Life Part II of II

Maintaining happiness in life is all about BALANCE. Making sure we give everything the write amount of energy for the right length of time.

We need BALANCE more than ever when we come to the rough patches in life which I have best described in the acronym below.

Be open by allowing others to help – Though some fret at the concept of self-help; don’t find yourself in that trap of stubbornness. Using self-help tools like books and blogs is one of the least expensive, if not free (like my blog) ways to find answers to your problems and help you come out of an undesirable situation. Other options for help would be to consult a counselor or psychologist. Don’t have too much pride to seek outside help. It is natural and healthy and good for the sprit! Your family-physician should be able to suggest some counselors that would be a great fit for you.

To read the rest of this blog and find out more about weathering the storms of life through BALANCE visit my new website


Ms. Hite

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