Tuesday, June 9, 2009

30-Day Challenge!!!

Thanks to an AMAZING picture text message from my friend E, I am on fire about my 30-day challenge!

For those of you who have inquired about my 30-Day Challenge thank you for your interest.

The 30-Day challenge is a concept I picked up from Steve Pavlina http://www.stevepavlina.com . The basic concept for this challenge is to test out a lifestyle change for 30-days before actually committing to it.

This gives you a chance to see if you like the change. Attaining a 30-day goal is much easier than attaining a “lifetime” goal (because it’s only 30-days.) The best part is, if like the change after 30-days then you can continue with it for the duration of your life!

So for me, the new 30-Day Challenge is on! And I invite anyone out there who wants to better their life to join me.

E did last month and I’ve got the pics to PROVE IT!!! (LOL, Thanks E). I don’t know what he picked for his 30-Day Challenge… all I know is… IT WORKED!!! ;-).

So for my 30-day Challenge for this month – starting today June 8, 2000 – I’m am going to eliminate the following things from my diet for an entire 30-DAYS!!!

- Alcohol -- This includes the 2 parties I’m hosting this month (one of which is a wine tasting… uh oh…
- Red Meat -- bye bye to my filet Mignon for a whole month
- Pork -- so long to bacon… Can I go cry now???
- Turkey -- That won't be too hard

Giving up these three foods and replacing them with a more nutritious fare will help detoxify me internally which will definitely make for a better external me!

And I encourage you to join me by setting your own 30-Day challenge. It can be anything! Exercising, drinking more water, eating less processed foods, or even doing the same challenge as me. The list could go on and on.

Also, this month’s Health & Wellness blog entries will track my 30-Day Challenge and focus on detoxification and its benefits in hopes to keep you inspired.

So I take E’s picture text as bit of inspiration and strike out on these next 30-days with the determination and dedication to become healthier, stronger and more mentally powerful!

I would love for you to join me :-)! Don’t wait till “Next Monday” Start NOW! You can totally do it!

Ms. Hite


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