Tuesday, June 9, 2009

30-Day Challenge!!!

Thanks to an AMAZING picture text message from my friend E, I am on fire about my 30-day challenge!

For those of you who have inquired about my 30-Day Challenge thank you for your interest.

The 30-Day challenge is a concept I picked up from Steve Pavlina http://www.stevepavlina.com . The basic concept for this challenge is to test out a lifestyle change for 30-days before actually committing to it.

This gives you a chance to see if you like the change. Attaining a 30-day goal is much easier than attaining a “lifetime” goal (because it’s only 30-days.) The best part is, if like the change after 30-days then you can continue with it for the duration of your life!

So for me, the new 30-Day Challenge is on! And I invite anyone out there who wants to better their life to join me.

E did last month and I’ve got the pics to PROVE IT!!! (LOL, Thanks E). I don’t know what he picked for his 30-Day Challenge… all I know is… IT WORKED!!! ;-).

So for my 30-day Challenge for this month – starting today June 8, 2000 – I’m am going to eliminate the following things from my diet for an entire 30-DAYS!!!

- Alcohol -- This includes the 2 parties I’m hosting this month (one of which is a wine tasting… uh oh…
- Red Meat -- bye bye to my filet Mignon for a whole month
- Pork -- so long to bacon… Can I go cry now???
- Turkey -- That won't be too hard

Giving up these three foods and replacing them with a more nutritious fare will help detoxify me internally which will definitely make for a better external me!

And I encourage you to join me by setting your own 30-Day challenge. It can be anything! Exercising, drinking more water, eating less processed foods, or even doing the same challenge as me. The list could go on and on.

Also, this month’s Health & Wellness blog entries will track my 30-Day Challenge and focus on detoxification and its benefits in hopes to keep you inspired.

So I take E’s picture text as bit of inspiration and strike out on these next 30-days with the determination and dedication to become healthier, stronger and more mentally powerful!

I would love for you to join me :-)! Don’t wait till “Next Monday” Start NOW! You can totally do it!

Ms. Hite


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Weathering the Storms of Life Part II of II

Maintaining happiness in life is all about BALANCE. Making sure we give everything the write amount of energy for the right length of time.

We need BALANCE more than ever when we come to the rough patches in life which I have best described in the acronym below.

Be open by allowing others to help – Though some fret at the concept of self-help; don’t find yourself in that trap of stubbornness. Using self-help tools like books and blogs is one of the least expensive, if not free (like my blog) ways to find answers to your problems and help you come out of an undesirable situation. Other options for help would be to consult a counselor or psychologist. Don’t have too much pride to seek outside help. It is natural and healthy and good for the sprit! Your family-physician should be able to suggest some counselors that would be a great fit for you.

To read the rest of this blog and find out more about weathering the storms of life through BALANCE visit my new website www.humanrightofhappiness.com


Ms. Hite

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Greetings Blogger Family!

I know it has been some time since I’ve posted my last entry. But my delay is not without good reason… I am pleased to announce the unveiling of my new website!

Now you can have access to the entire Human Right of Happiness movement by visiting http://www.humanrightofhappiness.com/.

Thank you to everyone who has been following my blog and anticipating my book. I appreciate your continued support as we take our happiness to the next level by embracing my methods and now utilizing my free all-access website!

This self-help site has TONS of information for those who would like to “help themselves” to the knowledge I have to share with you! Whether it’s Health & Wellness, Dating & Relationships, Wealth & Career, or the Women’s Corner, humanrightofhappiness.com has something for everyone to add to their life-long journey of happiness!

Also, there’s an “Ask Kiki” (that would be yours truly) section that allows you to (anonymously) ask me any question you’d like and allows me to share my jewels of wisdom with you.

Remember, share this site with your friends or anyone who you think it may add value to their lives.

So there you have it, your key to happiness is one click away! Thanks for your time and as always, I love you all.


Ms. Hite


p.s. Please visit the site in a Mozilla Firefox browser window. Using Internet Explorer may distort the format. (I have techs working on this as we speak!)